Sunday, March 30, 2025

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Platlet..owh platlet...

Assalammualaikum dan salam ramadhan.(tebalkan lidah dan sebut mcm johan dlm karoot komedia x 2..heee)

Ok fineee...bulan nie..most people talking about iftar here...iftar there, eating this..eating that.....less people talk about tarawih...this people...not talking about any of that, xcept..blood...and blood...donate and donate. Caring too much or just thinking 2 much? both i guess...tarawih pergi jgk ok..!

Poning pale den tiap kali bulan p0sa..(padahal br 2 kali jer..hee) platlet..platlet...owh..platlet...payah benor ler nak maintain menatang nie time bulan p0sa...darah ok..stabil...masalah yg ini mmg x dpt nak dibendung..mst jadik jgk...ok, for those who unknown ape menatang platlet ni adalah..komponen darah..ia cuma brtahan selama 5 hari shj..minus msk lab..tnggal 3 hari bila smp kat blood bank kulim. dan juga disebabkan kita disini tiada mesin aferesis..kita x dpt nak pisahkan komponen ini shj jd..we have to take it all...with blood and plasma ok. So somehow, it wasted..the blood is..might be get xpired without using it.

However, this problem keeps repeating every come big hospital like alor setar dan sg petani couldnt help us with this matter...we provide the blood, we couldnt they help us with platlet then...give and take..

Problems..when everybody just keep saying i'm a right..! so i guess, i m wrong...huhu

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