Saturday, December 26, 2009

Do or not to do?

T0day, m0nday: 27 Disember; its been such a l0ng time i haven't wrote anything on this empty space. Nothing much to say i guess..or maybe not much time space to let me sketch a life story to let people's thoughts to judge me.

Should i say, i am free now? or should i say..the burden on my shoulder getting bigger by days...complicated to understand isn't it? i myself still trying to solve the riddles in my or not to do....if i do it..i myself feels that i'm being cruel to myself but if not to do...i being cruel to somebody that is s0 much special in my whole life...what to or not to?

:-I kan senang klu bahagi dua badan aku nie...huhu...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

KaLut sungguh

Di ketika suatu hari...di hening petang..di dalam pejabat 0pis...dept corp comm...telefon p0n berbunyi...

Cerita 1

Shafa: HEllo, MRCB...
Caller : Hello, can i speak 2 en. ali? but i'm n0t sure which en. ali...
Shafa : ..........????

Kerja di dept aku, bnyak kena c0l in dan 0ut since bnyak event yg perlu dhandle..maka bnyak la rsvp yg perlu dbuat selepas 2,3 hari settle ngan invitation dan follow up....bnyak jugak incident yg menyayat hati terjadi...tapi inilah asam garam kehidupan..isk..isk..

Cerita 2

Shafa : HEllo, is this...? My name is shafa, i'm calling from corp comm MRCB, can i speak to...?
In Line: ....(ckp dlm tamil). Ini bkn syarikat...ini rumah india juga...
Shafa : Excuse me? owh..S0rii..wrong number..

.: the number that i dial supposed to be a company smtg..not my's all in the database! and i called to make RSVP for the invitation that we've sent before..arghhh..

Cerita 3

Shafa: HEllo, ist this...? My name is Shafa, i'm calling from MRCB. I'm calling regarding Briefing at KL sentral with Mayor this Thursday.
In line : Yes, ok. we did receive the invitation and i already reply.
Shafa : Ok, can i speak to ....I want to make RSVP.
In line : I'm s0rry, but ....already past away last year.
Shafa : .........

:: antara cerita yang b0leh dkongsi...huhu..

Sunday, September 20, 2009


i h0pe this black cloud would leave away as soon as the w0man leave my h0me..our h0me...i h0pe i slapped her on her face and give back all things she deserved to cause my m0m cried since last 6 years...if this would wash away all the misery that my m0m carried. i wish all this things never happened to my family...i wish..i would never cry everyime i see my m0m did...i wish i could be stronger than this...i wish...i know what should i do now to protect my m0m..but then..i felt too weak..and cant stop crying and thinking...

i shouldn't ask why this happened...i know the reason is...because Allah swt want this to happened..and i kn0w..i should be stronger than this...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ramadhan ini

Ramadhan m0nth has been given us l0t sort of things...should i say dugaan...urmm, where should i start.. First, my love affair turning to deep i know what's the reasons..a starting when he start to keep all the problems by himself..

then, a conflict a arraised by this housmate..accusing me to talk bad behind her about her scandal with the i said..all happened just sudden, they thought i was sleeping..but i am not..s0 i overheard it..then i know the reason she's avoiding me lately, pull 5 inch face in fr0nt of me..i dont care about your live i said..i have my own to manage..(just because i'm the only one who not close to u..d0esnt mean that i love to talk bad about u..-get a grip!, if u wants to know so much, the person who is closest to u of all is the one who send emails to everyb0dy telling h0w bad u were with the i wanted to yell and spit it all on her face that time..but d0 i care if she have a hypocrite friend then after i heard what she accused me?? serve her right!

huh...ok..i'm cooling d0wn..sempena hari raya yg akan dtg...saya mengucapkan slamat hari raya..maaf zahir dan batin kepada semua rakan2..yg jauh atau dekat...ampun maaf dpinta..klu ada trsalah kata...terkurang ajar...terlaser dmana2...maaf ya..klu ada yg termkan...minta dhalalkan..klu kata x panjg umur...minta dimaafkan dunia dan akhirat..=)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Kali ini aku bercKp p0litik?

Senarionya pagi ini spt biasa..aku akan naik putera d jelatek ke 0pis...n0rmal..sbb 0pis aku d kL sentral..maka dr aku meredah jam..dan memeningkan kepala mau parking dmana...dan ten2 juga memkrkan mahu mengisi kantung minyak lagi...aku ambil jalan mudah..naik train. Satu perkara yang paling aku mls dulu...apa? naik pengangkutan awam daa...intan tau bgaimana aku men0lak menggunakan public transp0rt...haha..sbbnya mudah...aku mudah mau kemana2...dan habit aku yg suka merayau x ten2 arah..tapi itu dululah...

Masa dah mengubah siapa kita sbnrnya..mcm dulu..kita jatuh cinta..dan fikir, hanya 0rg itulah untk kita..tiada yang lain..sekali pantai berubah..hati manusia itu brubah..namun kita masih tetap sukar membunuh rasa syg terhdp manusia itu...walau bcinta dgn yg lain(cuma mahu teman mencurah rasa)..hati masih kaku..Sekali, bila insan itu kembali menjengah, mahu mencuri kembali hati yg telah dicampak ke tepi dulu...hati itukaku mendengar suaranya...Ya, cinta itu telah berubah kepada insan yg setia menanti dan menrima hati itu sedanya..cinta itu bukan paksaan..benar..perasaan itu mampu berubah seperti berubahnya pantai...

Kembali kepada t0pik asalannya, dmana? 0wh...di keretapi putera..ya, spt biasa pagi ini aku naik putera djelatek..dan biasanya akan trn d kL sentral seblm mula mengtr langkah ke bangunan 1 sentral yg merupakan bangunan pejabat terbaik dmalaysia..itu kata anugerah FIABCI yg dmenangi thn lalu...thn ini ntah siapa pula yg mampu merampasnya...

huh..lari lagi dr t0pik asalan, kita teruskan shj ke main p0int ya...begini..selepas stesn jelatek, kita akan smp d dat0 keramat(rmh ku antara 2 stesen ini), dsini..slalunya sukr nak meremph masuk..sbb, train akan penuh setibanya di jelatek..maka, sebentr rd..ada ind0n2..yg tetap merempuh masuk walau train itu sdh penuh..hingga mbuat aku spt mahu tbalik ke blkang..dem..mahu shj aku menyumpah. namun, mmkirkan aku ini puasa...tidak jadilah..tetapi geram itu spt membuak2..apa tdknya..smlm br shaja terpampang d dada akhbar..rusuhan yg mereka anjurkan dnegara sana..."maaf, jalan tutup...sweeping 0rg msia!" . Apa yg ptt aku rasa ketika membaca itu..kurang ajar kataku..ramai mereka dtg ksini..mengaut rezeki dsini..gunakan kemdhan kita..segalan dcuri dan dbwa pulang ksana...hingga saban waktu, ada shj kalangan mereka yg menjengah ksini dgn cara haram..dsana gempa kita hulurkan bantuan...namun kmudian menuduh kita 'kedekut' dan tidak prihatin..apa makna itu semua?..dsaat itu mau shj aku menjerit mengutuk mereka...

msia ini mungkin pemimpinnya mahu trus menutup mlt...menjaga kpentgn politik kononya..tapi pemimpn dsana yg terang mengutuk msia...apa kes? mnuntut pula gaji sehingga rm800 sbln...pulang ksana..jd jutawan..kita dsini? ramai yg x cukup mkn...klu gaji 800, aku p0n x kesah jd 0rg gaji..apa yg mau dbmbg..makan, pkai, tmpt tinggal dtanggung b0s...tnggal drumah besar..cantik..mkn sdap..wah2..naik lemak nampak..bl0m puas lagi mengikis kekayaan negara ini lalu dbawa pulang ksana? (ini kita t0lak kes2 yg kena dera..sbb 0rg yg pendera 2 p0n layak kita samakan dgn penyangak yg merusuh d jalan apa ke ntah namanya..payah bnr nyebt dan ngejanya..).

Kita ini terlalu bnyk menglah ku rasa..klu dr segi industri media..filem2, lagu2 mereka..semua mudah benar dbwa msk ksini(memuliakan tetamulah katakan)..klu kita mahu kesana..aduhai..bukan main payahnya...cuma nama besar shj yg mampu tembus ksana...takut benar ya kita dgn mereka..kenapa ya? berhati2 benar kita menjaga hati merek..hati kita? dlm diam spt disiat2..tapi mulut ttp diam..dan trus menadah tngan menerima mereka seadanya...

huh..apa kes? smp bila kita nak mengis dlm diam..sdg mereka puas berp0ya..membkr bendera kita..menuduh kita curang mencuri bahan mereka....bukankah hbgn yg baik..perlukan t0lak ansur?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

raya ini

hi there..been l0ng time i havent wrote anythg there..s0ry lots my friends out there..x tau la bila nak smpat buka p0sa ngan u'ol semua...pengumuman...saya free selaps kul 5 every weekdays..dan hujung minggu sy free..klu anda bg tau sy awal la..hehe..jadi klu nak ajak p mana2..that should be the time x bnyak keja bln p0sa nie..maklumlah event yg ada p0n hanya dajak buka p0sa..hehe..kami break dr aktiviti dbulan p0sa..maka d 0fis..kami hanya relax dan prepare lembut2..aktiviti lepsa bulan p0sa..but then, my seniors..who did all the j0bs..well, apa la yg kita mampu buat,buat kang salah plak..klu sikit2 je x pe..klu bnyak??..all of them..10 years experienced maa.

Bulan ramadhan ni bnyak dugaan..starting dr dlm..smp kat luar..aku simpati dgn kawn aku..masalah dgn cinta..she's supposed to get engage by the end of this year..but then suddenly last nite..the guy broke up with her..=(

me? i remembered the time when things that similarly happened to me once. i felt weak..too weak to think anythg..hopeless..and now..i have problems..but then..i let him 2 decide..i love him..and i need him...i would never found another person like him..he's something special..too special..

dan utk kekawan...slamat mnyambut hari raya..klu ada slah dan silap minta dmaafkan la yea...halalkan mana yg patut...semoga hari raya kali ini menjadi hari yg bermakna utk kita semua...=)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


cuti raya..cuti raya...p0se br ari yg ke-5 kan?? adeh..den dah p0ning ni pikior psal ct balik raya nie...mau blik sana bila..mau blik sini biler..akak ita 2 bl0m siap jadual lagi la den balik awal sikit...mau gak merasa memasak rendang bersama b0nda...isk..isk...

si manager beng0ng 2..after the incident, x brani nak cari psal ngan aku dah dia tau aku klu bengang mcm mana...aku bengang bkn sbb dia srh wat keja..ake bengang sbb aku ni pantang diugut...bila main cabar2 nie..temperature mmg cpt naik...huhu..whtit guys..i have to continue working...daa.c ya again..ade masa..i'll write ok...

Friday, August 14, 2009

my dream job 2

if last day i say this dept is the best..2 day, i want to say the other way..not because of the dept or or the job..but the clique...ces..really annoyed me...he is the senior manager..s0 i have to keep in silent...dem..i wish i could yell at him..but in the end..i keep down my voive and keep the anger inside.

Wut happened?? huh...he told me last 2 weeks 2 write a report to be submitted in PM award CSR report. so, try to do it..then i found that, the report shouldnt be written by a person who is lack of knowledge about the company. Quite surprised when i know about this..but then i still tried to do it..until a the certain p0int..i feel tired writting the same thing..because of the fact that..i dont much about the business..and i can feel that i'm am n0t capable of doing this...the responsibility given is too much...

2day..he tried to bring up the issue, when am i going to finished it?..i said..i have done whatever i can..but i think, its better for u to write it yourself..and i asked him to sign my attandance sheet since i have to submit to HR...the he said, finish it first!!...then i will sign...( it will not bring any harm if he sign it first..) and now he pissed me off...i refuse to talk to him the whole day..and now..he menggelabah...serve him right!..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

my dream job

good evening lifes nowadays changed...not a lot..but d0es change...but alhamdulillah..everything happened for reasons right? its getting better and better...i believed, i have made a correct decision to be here. What i need to do is, to be strong and determined in whatever i dream of.. i thank Allah to let me be who am i 2day, even for the hardship i've need to go through..its worth it.

S0me friends did noticed the way i expressing myself when i talked about my work. they said i look happy and passionate. Well, i do feel happy to be here..and the day that i need to let go off this position would be the saddest day in my life i guess..i always looking for a job that i like 2 i have found here..corporate, at MRCB..its fun..with good surrounding, enviroment. good boss ( even sometimes do annoyed-well, she's the boss..that's what she do), good seniors and clique..hah..working time that flexbile...


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

perginya permata

Kehilangan seniman terkenal yasmin ahmad memang satu kerugian kepada bidang perfileman dan pengiklanan negara. walau secara logiknya aku tidak pernah mengenali aruah secara peribadi, namun rasa sebak dan ingin menitiskan air mata tidak dapat tertahan saat aku mendapat tahu beliau sudah p0n menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir. Aku cuma seorang peminatnya yang memandang tinggi segala hasil tangan seninya...pernah sekali aku dan intan terserempak dengannya di taman tasik shah alam ketika kami berjogging. Bagai terpukau aku memandangnya..betapa aku mengaguminya..terlalu mengangumi hasil kerjanya, sehingga aku pernah berangan mahu bekerja di bawah produksinya. Belajar dari insan yang matanya 'celik' dalam mendidik manusia lain agar lebih bersifat 'manusia'.

Dia bukan malaikat yang harus disanjung tinggi..tetapi dia insan yang harus kita tangisi pemergiannya..kerana ketiadaannya bagai kehilangan se0rang 'teman baik' yang selama ini mengajar kita mengenali diri. Dia berani dalam meluahkan apa yang dirasanya, dan dia berjaya membuat kita menangis bersama dalam hasil karyanya. Dia mengajar kita berfikir..bukan sekadar mengajak kita berhibur. Aku yakin aku akan merindui semua karyanya...'peminat' kecil ini mungkin tidak jauh bezanya dari peminatnya yang lain, kerana kami ini 'lahir' dari hasil karyanya yang penuh dengan pengajaran tentang hidup. Yasmin mungkin menjadi anak tiri dalam industri seni negara sendiri..tetapi dia kuat dan bijak membina nama di negara luar yang lebih terbuka menerimanya sebagai penggiat seni yang berbakat. Namanya yang jenuh meniti bibir,karyanya yang jenuh dinanti-nanti, tidak pernah b0san ditonton..namun kini, tiada lagi yasmin ahmad..dan mungkin, industri seni negara akan lebih 'celik' untuk menilai..siapa itu yasmin sebenar??

padaku, dia jauh lebih bernilai dr michael jackson yang menari sambil memakai cawat diluar..!

Monday, July 20, 2009

suggestion plz...

huhu..its been long time i didnt write in the blog..well..because of the situation here i guess..lots of things to think and to rethink..haha..apa aku ngarut nie..well..i am stressing myself about the house..i dont think i can hang on longer in that place..not because of the people..but the PLACE..! totally unacceptable..plz me out..plzz....

i even think about quiting the job and go home..with that quite difficlt to survive with all the routines..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

cek nak PINDAH!!!!

M0rninggg..quite early i msk 0pis 2day..yes, amin and wani took leave since they have interview so i and 0gy decided to breakfst kat 0pis jer....abg yg jaga pin2 depan kat floor ni p0n siap tnya.." aik..keja kul 8 ke..kul 9 nie?? " hehe..well, sajer je..sbb nak berintenet dulu..kang kul 9 dah kena block segala aktiviti yg seumpama ini..kang kul 6 plak la br nak b0leh bukak p0n..

Well, since semlm my 0tak ni mcm nak pegi urut je..x p0n klu leh nak je sapu minyak angin suspected kena ujan kelmarin..itu yg rasa ting t0ng je pale..bwk balik lapt0p p0n, satu keja x jadi..aku hentam ti0d trus lepas makan..kul 9 aku dah 'merek0t' kat s0fa depan..kul 10 aku bgun tarik tilam trus landing...haha~

Keja this week, quite b0san..d0k 0pis jer..mana x nye..aku ni kaki mana reti d0k diam..asyik ngadap pc jer..nasib la ada bunga yang c0mel kat ats meja ni + lilin ( bahan rampasan kat melaka ari 2..), maka apabila b0san..aku c0pet plak brg2 en.mat yg ada kat meja sebelah spt mug, gelas yg c0mel dan juga tmpt letak pen dr srwak..hahaha..maka..meja aku skang dah c0mel skit..

hah..this weekend my br0ther btunang..intan, j0m balik kedah..tgk awek dia yg x dpt restu aku 2..huh..dsebabkan pikir abg, maka aku gagahkan hati demi menjaga hati kakanda ku yg se0rg itu..huhu..

p/s Buc..hang kata pindah keramat..kat mana? aku kat keramat ujung..pangsapuri ats bukit..tensi0n sungguh aku d0k sana..klu x pikir kwn, nak je aku pindah skang...sbb mbr aku dah offer d0k ngan dia kat salak..rumah best lak 2..huhu

Monday, July 6, 2009

lady boss

Good evening..ari ni seperti hari biasa aje..setelah pulang dari outstation..masuk 0pis spt biasa...gambar2..maaf..kemudian yan ddwnload..kerna saya agak kepenatan..dan tiada kabel nak dsmbung ke pc..hehe..the view there was s0 nice..the wind blow quite hard..but..thankfully, the event went well...=) that's what i h0pe..(even my feet rasa mcm nak tercabut berdiri dgn heel 3 inchies-x penah2 dbuat aku..huhu)

0pis quite quiet..k. ayu, k.ita and david took a leave today..k.ayu, this wed baru msk 0pis..and and week..s0 just left, me, 0gy, choon, mat and the lady after meeting she came in and start to bising2..i d0nt know why..and dont even interested 2 know..huhu..mana x nye..dah nak order lunch for 16 pax..blh x bg tau awal2..x mcm kita0rg terpaksa usung bwk balik dr kL sentral..mcm nak tercabut jgk tangan aku nie..huish..agaknye mentang2 dia bos..suka ati dia jer blh 0rder2 last2 minit..kelam kbt kita0rg makan, nak tercekik p0n ade....nasib la ada aku ngan 0gy..klu x..mcm mana la en. mat nak ngangkut semua 2...?? ada dia pikir?? huh..

i guess, this is the beginning series of my bad boss experience..haha..well..everthing come with something..i guess..this is what i have to take dept is the most best antara semua..hehe..

Thursday, July 2, 2009

here out station..

Benar-benar penat..yes..that what should i say after 5 days i am here (in mrcb KL) i dah kena datang out station at melaka..pelancaran marina melaka...tgk la tv..cek2 paper ke..k0t2 terlekat muka aku yg d0k mengiringi TYT datuk seri utama mohd khalil yaakob ngan mB melaka..haha..

Sunday, June 21, 2009



Finally, i have a chance to share some pics of us on my GEMS Night. It was on last 15 June park Avenue Hotel.. everybody was so happy, nice groomed..everthing was well planned..very smooth...we have so much fun...until the night end..we feel sad because the next day was our graduation day..and the time we have to say goodbye to everyone..but no matter what..these moment will be unforgetable..=)

this hansome guy right here...was supposed to be my partner that night...our theme was masculine...i guess...hahaha..but it turned out i became " alicia keys" and he is the bad guy...we was aiming to become king and queen of the night but sadly..there was no award for that..too bad right?..but what ever it is..we know we are the winner...hahaha..

Friday, June 19, 2009



16 june 2009...the day we graduated under GEMS program...the day that we will remember..this is all the MELLIFERA SDN BHD members...we come and we share all the memories together..sweet and bitter...the worship..the succes..i love and inspired by them all...


Priceless scrolls are in our hand,
Sweat of hardship such a long to remind,
The nation need us, too much to be done,
Lets get down cause it payback time.

Like gemstone (beautiful and priceless),
Each one is special, own color and space,
Strong, powerfull and full of goodness,
Ready to be used bringing life and grace.

Courage, Strengh and determination,
Got to be strong if we wanna break through,
Confidence, dicipline and moderation,
The world leaders so let shine through.

If we fall, jut got stand up
Failure is sucess
Lesson well learned
Go on climbing just dont ever stop
Trust ourselves, we'll be on track again,

Once you there,
Humble yourself,
Taking deep breath to face new day,
Together we stand and pray to be blessed,
Leaders tomorrow...we here to stay...

from the beginning:-
ommy, echah, fairuz, sofea, wan, aty, dayah, fiza, fai, baya, aimi, niza, melur, ida, riyas, sue, meera, fifah, mun, hasbullah, cerum, mat noor, akhira, mari, miza, me, faezah, azmeerah, and irwan(the big boss)

i'm not sure why some photos gone missing and our class member which is supposed to be 30..come only 29...who is missing here?? i have no idea..jenuh pikior...

ahah...i know..nadz not here...haiyaaa..~

Thursday, June 18, 2009


The day finally come to an end..2.5 month in house training at harvard suasana hotel..leaved us lots of memory and experience. We come, we meet and now..we have to move on..we need to go to practical place that have been set for i have to go to KL..the place that i've left to be at my need to go there again..which is unresistable...MRCB..multinasional i can say no...? i tell myself..just go..even i feel bad..why not, just go and get more experience....ALLAH swt menjadikan sesuatu bersebab..i believe that.
With CEO's and COO's gang...the Oscar Night
With Suriani and Firdaus(P'dut)
With Suhail; my emcee partner..
Amin(Nomi), Firdaus (Fifi),Suriani( Chu Chu) and me..Shafa ( Cha Cha/ the grasshopper girl)









That's a little bit what i can share u people what GEMS is actually. I did missed few things but i will keep update soon when i get the pictures( i have to put aside our diner, since the pictures still with en,najib)...all this moment in GEMS training is so much fun..even tired, i will miss every single moment..bcause it made me feel i am somebody..we learn so much..without GEMS...i am not, what i am today...i thanked ALLAH swt to open the door to me to get into this program, and to give me chance to be part of them...i thanked people who are behind this program, Tn hj shukri;site manager, en. syukri, en, najib, kat ruqoyah..and the most is..KHAZANAH NASIONAL BERHAD,PUTRAJAYA HIGH COMMITEE, and MINISTRY OF FINANCE...

Every people that i've meet and know there have change me a lot. I wish all of them will be sucessfull and be somebody someday...keep in touch what i told them...and keep me in ur heart..because we are family. GEMS FAMILY..



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