Saturday, November 27, 2010


Rasa mcm2 nak ngadu..tapi..tetiba rasa l0st...tiap bulan bila nak dtg bendera jepun mst nak em0 ngan naim...sian dia..=(
~nape bulan ni mcm cepat jerr...dah la nak kena tinggal 2 minggu..nnt teruk la rindu...haiy0oo..duduk kat msia p0n ssh nak kan plak luar negara...sayang...nnt rindu sayang...
~ naim dah ptg rambut...huhu..dulu slalu marah dia simpan rmbut panjang...tapi skang sedih plak..rasa mcm suka tgk dia rmbut panjang...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A n0vel review


Huh~..internet sgt lembap..along kejanya mend0wnload dr smlm..uishh..sgt sakit ati...0leh kerana perasaan ingn menulis sdg membuak-buak maka, diteruskannya juga niat walaup0n n0ta ini terpksa dicatit dtempat lain dahulu..hahaha..

0k..perkara pertama, yesss...saya sdh hbskan me

mbca n0vel “Pictures of Lily”...from Paige T0on walaup0n slpas membelinya ia dpndg sepi buat seminggu..and, a week after that..i finished it..been reading it..a l0t...(n0t much things 2 d0..duit elaun keja sunsilk p0n dah nak


Why did i bought it at the first place?? well...been reading malay n0vels..Ramlee Awang Murshid a l0t lately..just nak tukar angin..and i did bought the most expensive ever!! ok..d0nt asked..haha..~

ok..why novel 2...ahah! suka ati i owh..sebnrnya..because i want to let my mind blewn away fr0m the 5 years ago guy..event the truth is..i keeps me remind of him..but...yup, there is but there...i'm n0t really madly in l0ve with him 5 years ago..what i feel n0w is just guilt because of leaving him suddenly. i just cant lied 2 myself that time that i want 2 spent my whole life with him..look at him n0w..he just d0nt need me then..all he need is himself..leaving the right decision that i made. there...its n0t love..that i feels for him it?? urghhh..~

well..the novel..yup..st0ry telling is superb..and i manage to learn new words and keep up my english sbb x dgunakan sehari2..its good..(and buat seketika, lupa pada 5 years ago guy). when it c0me to the endingnya..saya sgt kecewa..she just could stay with Richard..they've been 2gether for 2 years and the are engaged already...haiyooo~

Lily pilih yang lama...first crush dia..h0ho...(pada saya ia sgt kejam)...sbb Richard (tunangnya) sgt kecewa dan jatuh terjelep0k. she said, she love richard..but she love Ben more..(nak tnya gak mcm mana dia leh ukur ek) hehe..~

Ben, lebih tua dr 12 tahun dan dia jtuh cinta pada Ben sejak umur dia..15 turning to 16...haiy00...that time Ben trpaksa lupakan Lily sbb she’s too young...and Ben already engaged to s0meb0dy...walaup0n Ben sendiri c0nfused dgn tindakan dia..dia yakin Lily hanya cinta m0nyet je ngan dia...the truth is..x..after Ben left...she deserted..l0st...dia brubah jadi s0meb0dy yg lain...turning 360 degrees..sgt kesian..sbb Ben mcm sumber inspirasi dia....

And with Richard..he’s a good guy..but dia x penah supp0rt Lily mcm mana Ben buat...walaup0n Richard ni sgt sygkan Lily...well..hands0me, kaya, charming lagi.... smtg wr0ng...he never understand her...lbh kurang Richard nie terlbh realistic pemikrnnya...x brape nak r0mantik la...pmpn kan suka lelaki yg r0mantic..for the n0te: he is and engineer...thats why la k0t...relati0nship aku dgn mamat2 engineer never w0rked out..hahaha~ and when Richard proposed...dia hesitate 2 say yes..but n0t 2 hurt him..she did say Yes..

Then, after 10 years..they met again..( sbb dlm kepala Lily since Richard propose, dia asyik pikirkan Ben jer..dan sentiasa cari jalan mcm mana nak cr Ben..)this time..Ben already divorce..he’s free but n0t Lily, not anym0re...she’s g0t c0nfused...she l0ve both of them...but love Ben more...since they met...Lily become the old she again..she starts 2 d0 things that she used to love doing..( remind me..why did i hate journalism so much..n0t because i hated it because i want 2..but i wanted 2 run away...yes, people tend to ignore things that remind them to things that they lost..same with me here..n0w..i know why...) and Richard starts to c0mplaining h0w she is changing..the truth..that is what she used 2 be..her interest in photo,animals..starts to gr0w again..and Ben keep encouraging her...but n0t Richard..he said, its 2 late for her 2 start things..and she is dreaming..(sgt2 x encourage ok..)

Everytime Lily jumpa Ben,kiranya mcm dlm hati ada taman..ada electric sh0ck, tapi dgn Richard nope..sbb 2 la Lily asyik fikir Ben after Richard ajak dia kwen. S0, at s0me point, Lily dah x sanggup simpan..dan dia explain dgn both of them...and go away, to make decision..

Dlm fikiran Lily, skrg dia dah dah ada everthg, good friends..good bakal family in laws..nice home..and not 2 f0rget..bakal future yg bgus dgn publishing c0mpany..if dia pilih Ben, semua yg dia ada akan hilang..sbb kwn2 baik dia, kwn2 baik Richard jugak..dan if dia follow Ben, dia kena tinggalkan semua 2..

s0 guess what..she chosed Ben..the old guy instead the young, handsome, rich, and 2 years fiancé...why??

Sbb Lily kata, dr dulu lagi..HATI DIA MMG MILIK BEN...h0ho..cinta sgt2 kejam..

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The five years ag0 GUY

Penat hari nie...x terasa sgt..mungkin sdah terbiasa...pkerjaan sebegini yang memerlukan kerahan tenaga seharian. Mula2 dahulu...asal reb0nding jer..balik2 k0mpem ketar lutut...lenguh2 segala urat sendi aku nie...pengsan trus x sedar2 smpai ke pagi...

Dlm seminggu 2 nie..ada pekerjaan smbilan yg aku lakukan...jadi duta sunsilk...wahaha..menarik..pagi jer..i bg talk kat school student. sek0lah menengah okay...psal penampilan diri dan penjagaan mahk0ta...wahh..mcm masyuk je dengar..x de lahh...ciput jer...blh m0tivasi untk aku bgun pagi dan mengelak keb0sanan terperap kat salun dan rumah...ada jugak alasan utk aku berjalan2 melihat alam...h0hoho~ Tapi nampaknya...cerita sunsilk ini akan berlanjutan sehingga ke thn hadapn...itu permintaan 0rg2 ats...rasanya aku bagi talk bgus k0t...hik2..riak sekejap...

Lately, n0tng much change..except..the 5 years ag0 guy..keep c0ming back and repeating the 0ld dialouge 0ver and 0ver again....i k0npius ok...hati i nie..dan mcm kena carik2 jer...klu i x de bf mmg i balik dgn u...but i have n0 reas0n t0 leave my bf 4 u...dlu i tinggal u...sbb i sgt2 kecewa dgn u...skarg i p0n kecewa dgn u sbb suka wat i serba salah dgn statemnt u 2...tunggu i 5 years dlm dunia nie dah x ckup prmpuan jer...bkn ke prmpuan lagi rmai dr lelaki??? i d0nt kn0w what 2 d0...u keep making i k0npius...smp i jadi x lalu makan..moody x ten2 psal...cuai smp dua2 ph0ne leh tertinggl kat umah...n0w..u buat hati i gundah gulana dgn pr0posal kawen u...lagiiii...

haaa..lega...tapi u x tau betapa kurus i rasa bila x lalu mkn malam selama 4 ari...teruk tau...dah la bdan ssh naik...kejam bt0l u nie...aura u 2..i mmg x sangka smpai mcm ni kuat berjaya mempengaruhi i...bahaya2...kena jauhkan diri...

i always motivate myself...saya rajin...saya rajin...saya rajin...dan...0wh...saya syg bf saya...saya syg bf saya...dan saya syg bf saya....dan klu bf saya bc bl0g nie..saya harap dia paham...saya x berniat...

dan kerana hari sdh lewat..saya mahu tidur...kisah duta sunsilk saya masih bl0m berakhir..dan esk..sek itu jauh..dekat sempdan perlis...kena bgun seawal 6 pagi...sbb kena keluar sblm 6.45...huhu..liat nye rasa bdan saya nie...

ade lagi...sbb nak mengatasi stress saya ini...saya telah beli n0vel..dan tajuknya "pictures of lily"..tulisan paige t0on...kisahnya...hahaha...mcm kisah saya...b0doh kan saya...jgn ckp ape2...sbb ini cara untuk saya berhenti pikirkan 0rg itu...


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

TAHNIAH utk saya....

Hari ini...berbeza dgn hari2 sebelumnya...adakah ia lebh baik...atau adakah lebih buruk?? well...depends...ada yg baik...ada yg tidak...dan ada juga yg mencelarukan kepala...apakah?? let me keep it 2 myself...aL0ne...its n0t easy t0 tell keep it 2 different...what diff???well....i cr0ss the b0rder..just 2 see h0w it will g0es with m0m... and n0w...i'm gr0unded and n0 m0re nights 0ut...yes...BRAV0!!!

Sbnrnya the end of the meeting...n0t in the plan..and i am leaving for h0me bef0re i received a call fr0m a friend. Bila di fikirkan...its been l0ng time i havent met that pers0n..s0 decide...half and hour wouldnt hurt much...but turned became an hour...katanya.."i culik u...bkn sng nak jumpa..."...adusss~

mmg teras tersentuh...rasa bersalah p0n ada...menempatkan 0rg itu dhujung jadual...0wh..maaf...saya kesitu urusan kerja...juga liburan dgn se0rg rakan kerana sdh berjanji...jadi maafkan saya...huhuhu...bkn sengaja...jadi demi menjaga hati...i layankan aje...

g0t 13o/140 kmj memecut brsama h0nda city 30 minutes...yeah...its late..30 minutes bef0re 1 predicted....dushh( m0m nagging...smbil mnjatuhkan hukuman...lepas ni..malam..stay at h0me..~......

0whh..TAHNIAH untk saya....sgt cemerlang...jadi have 2 be nice and sweet...f0r a least a m0nth...bef0re she can c00l d0wn...s0..friends...n0 m0re nights out for month ok...daaaa~



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