Sunday, August 5, 2012

Platlet..owh platlet...

Assalammualaikum dan salam ramadhan.(tebalkan lidah dan sebut mcm johan dlm karoot komedia x 2..heee)

Ok fineee...bulan nie..most people talking about iftar here...iftar there, eating this..eating that.....less people talk about tarawih...this people...not talking about any of that, xcept..blood...and blood...donate and donate. Caring too much or just thinking 2 much? both i guess...tarawih pergi jgk ok..!

Poning pale den tiap kali bulan p0sa..(padahal br 2 kali jer..hee) platlet..platlet...owh..platlet...payah benor ler nak maintain menatang nie time bulan p0sa...darah ok..stabil...masalah yg ini mmg x dpt nak dibendung..mst jadik jgk...ok, for those who unknown ape menatang platlet ni adalah..komponen darah..ia cuma brtahan selama 5 hari shj..minus msk lab..tnggal 3 hari bila smp kat blood bank kulim. dan juga disebabkan kita disini tiada mesin aferesis..kita x dpt nak pisahkan komponen ini shj jd..we have to take it all...with blood and plasma ok. So somehow, it wasted..the blood is..might be get xpired without using it.

However, this problem keeps repeating every come big hospital like alor setar dan sg petani couldnt help us with this matter...we provide the blood, we couldnt they help us with platlet then...give and take..

Problems..when everybody just keep saying i'm a right..! so i guess, i m wrong...huhu

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Good day...=)

actually there are a lot of thing that need to be updated...lotssss hokey....some can be share but some not yet...ok..time will tell ok..I give the list then..much easier.:-

- I GOT PIMPLES..LOTS..all over my hideous..and i got stressed out..its is because my allergicness or what? then..i decide to change my facial wash..n0w..better..s0, i dont suggest u to used  SIMPLE..not simple at all...burok i'm using nano white (clay facial wash) . it was GOOd =)

-then, kita ada sesuatu d salun.."majlis doa selamat bersama anak-anak yatim hafiz dan hafizah di ikhtiyar" wahh..panjang haa..alhamdulillah, everything going well eventhough the real plan just nak buat gunting rambut amal untuk anak2 yatim..turn out to be big plak..gunting rambut x jadik p0n..! huhu..its ok..sedap suara bdk2 tu berzikir and bc yassin and everthing..they are so nice and sweet...tgk muka masing2..bersih ja muka..lain dgn muka kita nie..pkai mcm2..x jernih2 p0n...

- n0w, having fever on and off..having bad sore throat smp berdarah kahak..terrible (its ok..cuci dosa..hehe). a bit uncomfortable..but i avoid taking m.c or el..i push myself..everthing just phsychology problems..hahaha...yalah..cuti p0n i left home alone..nobodys to take care of me. at least kat hospital 2..bnyk doktor kan.. my doc suggest me to do blood test to see whether its tiroid..tapi let me finish my antiobiotic first..i still have this kind of phobia with needle...huhu..i hope its nothing bad...fever plz go and dont come back or i have to this bloody blood test..yes..i said it! hhahaha..~

while driving home today, this thing just went into my head...i'm driving kenari, and i owned a kembara then my bf name khairul..i'm dealing with "K" in my life..ok, itu je nak ckp..tQ..haha~

Saturday, March 24, 2012

saje mmg suka bebel

Hello readers,

How u guys been doing so far? mine? hahaha...been to lots of kenduri last school holiday. Get laugh and fun and also get buncit by nasi kenduri then sakit perut..hahahaha~

there is few more kenduri coming..more close friend getting married. Me? just not yet...sometimes rasa mcm dah tua bangka p0n ada bila all this teman sepermainan ni kawen but, well u know it just my look tells that : "i am school girl!" hahahaha....please dont get offended.

Last week, last day, today...nothing much happened and happens. Me just the way it is...sometimes rajin sometimes so malas ya rabbi..sometimes got money to spend and sometimes get broke what 2 d0, kasi pau laaa the nearest people...lalalala~

yeah, still working in this bloody place ( bcoz a lot of blood here dowh). Sometime yes, its fun to be here..and sometimes like hell...but lately, those person not intefering my life anymore or learnt how to repect others maybe. Somehow, the perangai buruk were still there just jadi baik sekejap masa asyik kena terjah lawatan mengejut dr pdn and so on. Now, back to square one again and become the menyampah person again!

Ok, stop bubbling about those annoyings.

New story, i nak beli keta nie....impian ku ford fiesta, bila nak boleh beli ntah? poket kering je memanjang...duit nak kawen p0n x kumpul lagi...hahaha~

cantik kan?? i nak warna biruuuuuu....sesapa nak sponsor di alu-alukan..^_^

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

jokes on me

New year, same st0ry..blah...still looking for real job! sadis kan..? Like s0 terrible lah my life...maybe mmg kena job hunt kL jgk k0t. Kedah ni mcm x bnyk kerja yg aku leh buat instead of managing the salun business and some part time job yg bila dpt duit...boros sikit trus hbs...hehe..nasib aku beringat simpanan itu penting.

Reporter dah penah, pro dah, corporate comm dah, hairstylist dah, mak andam dah, speaker product dah, fotographer dah, model p0n penah..cuma x famous jelah...hehe...mostly semua dah try cuma badan beruniform jer bl0m...jadi polis ke navy ke..kastam ke..imegresen ke..p0n best..nak try bleh? hahaha...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

fenomena ombak rindu

pengumuman...: saya dah tengok citer OMBAK RINDU twice!!

hahahaha...saya gelak kat diri sendiri berbakul2...why?? because i'm wasting my money first..wasting my duit parking at sunway, wasting duit tiket wayang rm 20..and wasting my time heret my bf tgk filem 2. why smp dua kali tgk? first, i ingt i kureng feel sbb i tgk dgn bf yang suka mengaco dlm wayang...apa x nyer...kejap2 terjenguk2 tgk nangis ke x...kejap2 pusing sana-sini cari makanan ringan dlm beg...kejap2...haish...payah bt0ii bwk bdk hyper tgk wayang...mcm 2 laa...kesimpulannya...penghayatan mmg out...~

Second...a friend of mine suarakan dia teringin nak tgk...dan x de geng, kesuntukan waktu sbb keja..and bla..bla...aku dgn senang hati offer diri nak teman dia..dan tengok sekali lagi...hopefully this time ada lebih penghayatan. Yeahhh...mmg terlebih...sbb at some part aku boleh terlelap sbb terasa b0san....hahahahaha...this is true...!! most of the scene..are tragedy..scene by scene..trlalu cepat smp x sempat feel lgsung..maya karin mengaji?? 0wh my....mengucap panjang u olss...ingat baca yassin sambil nyanyi lagu erti cinta ke?? encik osman ali...saya bkn ustazah..tapi saya tau juga kat mana nak panjang pendek harakat bila baca yassin. Prodction asst, script, editor...huhuhu...i dont know what 2 say...agak malu klu bwk p bertanding ke luar....

the summary: after watched 0mbak rindu the movie..the only thing running int0 my mind...this film is a joke!! and the only reason Fauziah ashaari x jadi saman the production sbb ia dah box office..but as the novelist..of course ttp ada rasa kecewa dan malu dgn hasil masterpiece yg paling dia banggakan setelah difilemkan tidak menepati apa yg diharapkan oleh peminat dan dirinya sndiri.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

dulu lain...skang lain...

 Masa kontrak sy smbg lambat sikit ari 2...blh la bersuka ria selama 2 minggu...minggu pertama stress sekejap sbb jadi pengganggur..tapi msuk minggu rasa sngt best sbb bleh jejalan..hahaha...msuk minggu ke-3 kena kerja blik...mak aihh...liatnyer nak p keja....!!! tapi fikirkan kantung kena diisi...jadi kuatkan semngat..hahaha

 Ada yg tnya sy..sbb sy d0k wat financial planng sbb kontrak smbg lmbt jd gaji mst friend says.." shafa leh jer mintk dgn parents, ayah shafa kan gj bnyk.." then i said, " lah...i never asked money from him eventhough i sengkek tahap cipan.." .."why??" " bcause i think masa utk utk mintk duit parents dah hbs...i rather buat loan dr alongku..or pau bf ku...hahaha"

i guess...skang sy sedar sy dah tua kot...parents tanggungjwb sy...bkn sy tanggjwb mereka lagi...yeahhh~

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


       Kopi....anda bayangkan?? segelas atau secawan kopi ais...atau kopi panas yang sedang berkepul2 asapnya?? sedap kan...?? wahh...untuk saya...transformkan jadi nescafe...sbb saya x brape suka rasa kopi...( came fr0m the same source!)...
       yeah...ada yg suka panas..ada yg suka sejuk....tapi saya suka nescafe yang panas...2,3 kali teguk dah hbs...tapi bila dah jadi suam x brape suam?... trus letak ketulan ais dlm 2...lebih asyik untuk diminum...perasaannya sama mcm bercinta...bila hangat bercinta semuanya indah...2,3 jam mcm 2,3 saat berlalu...cinta mcm kopi/nesacfe...bila panas...sedap, bila suam...x sedap, bila sejuk...jwb la sndiri...hahaha...

Maybe anda juga pernah is like ghost...everyone heard about it...but not everyone sees it...

~ ada yang dah rindu dgn tulisan mengarut sy ni...jadi inilah hadiah untuk dia...=)



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